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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIII - Page 228« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Doyle E. Lane)

Mr. Hubert.
Now, what system is used by way of timing the various transactions on the receiving end?
Mr. Lane.
On the receiving end, whenever the telegram is received in the receiving office, it is time stamped.
Mr. Hubert.
It is time stamped by use of the same kind of machine that you have identified before?
Mr. Lane.
That we used before.
Mr. Hubert.
Synchronized to the national time?
Mr. Lane.
That is correct, and also timed at the time of payment. Time you actually give the addressee the money.
Mr. Hubert.
Stamped with the same clock?
Mr. Lane.
Mr. Hubert.
By the way, all-of this time that we have been speaking of is central standard time?
Mr. Lane.
Central standard time; yes.
Mr. Hubert.
Have you anything else, Mr. Lane, that we have not covered?
Mr. Lane.
No; I can't think of anything that we haven't covered.
Mr. Hubert.
Have you been interviewed by any member of the Commission's staff other than myself prior to the taking of this deposition?
Mr. Lane.
No; I have not.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, there was an interview between you and me, was there not, just before the beginning of this deposition?
Mr. Lane.
Well, that is correct, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Have we covered in this deposition everything that we talked about in the course of the interview?
Mr. Lane.
Yes; we have.
Mr. Hubert.
Have you--has there been anything of a material nature at all covered in the interview which has not been covered in this deposition?
Mr. Lane.
Not a thing that I can think of.
Mr. Hubert.
Thank you very much.

Elnora Pitts

Testimony of Elnora Pitts

The testimony of Elnora Pitts was taken at 2:40 p.m., on March 31, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex, by Leon D. Hubert, Jr., assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. Hubert.
This is the deposition of Elnora Pitts. Mrs. Pitts, my name is Leon Hubert.
Mrs. Pitts.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
I am a member of the advisory staff of the General Counsel for the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy.
Mrs. Pitts.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Under the provisions of Executive Order 11130, dated November 29, issued by President Johnson.
Mrs. Pitts.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
And by a Joint Resolution of Congress No. 137, and the rules of procedure adopted by the President's Commission in conformance with the Executive order and the joint resolution, I have been authorized to take the sworn deposition from you today.
I say to you that the general nature of the Commission's inquiry is to ascertain, evaluate, and report upon the facts relating to the assassination of President Kennedy and to the subsequent violent death of Lee Harvey Oswald. And in particular, as to you, Mrs. Pitts, the nature of the inquiry today is to determine what facts that you know about the death of Oswald and any other pertinent facts you may know about the general inquiry, particularly those facts concerning Jack Ruby.
Mrs. Pitts.
Yes, sir.
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