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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 33« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Alan H. Belmont)

The Chairman.
Wednesday, May 13, 1964

Testimony of Lt. Jack Revill

The Chairman.
The President's Commission met at 10 a.m. on May 13, 1964, at 200 Maryland Avenue NE., Washington, D.C.
Present were Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman; Representative Gerald R. Ford; and Allen W. Dulles, members.
Also present were J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel; Norman Redlich, assistant counsel; Arlen Specter, assistant counsel; and Charles Murray, observer.
The Chairman.
Lieutenant Revill, the purpose of today's hearing is to hear your testimony and that of Detective V. J. Brian with particular regard to alleged conversation with Special Agent James P. Hosty, Jr., of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, claimed to have occurred on November 22, 1963, in the afternoon, and also concerning the facts surrounding the discussion of Commission Exhibits 710 and 711.
What are those--those are the affidavits?
Mr. Rankin.
That is his affidavit and Detective Brian's.
The Chairman.
Those are the affidavits that you made in that regard.
Would you please rise and raise your right hand and be sworn?
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give before this Commission shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?
Lieutenant REVILL. I do, sir.
The Chairman.
Mr. Rankin will conduct the examination.
Mr. Rankin.
Lieutenant Revill, will you state your name and place of residence for the record, please?
Mr. Revill.
My name is Jack Revill. I reside at 5617 Madowics, Dallas, Tex.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you have an official connection with the police department of Dallas?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; I do.
Mr. Rankin.
What is that?
Mr. Revill.
I am presently a lieutenant of police of the Dallas Police Department.
Mr. Rankin.
How long have you occupied that position?
Mr. Revill.
I was promoted to lieutenant June 26, 1958.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you have any particular area of responsibility?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; I am presently in charge of the criminal intelligence section.
Mr. Rankin.
Have you been in charge of that section since November 22 of 1963?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; I have.
Mr. Rankin.
What are the functions of your work in that job?
Mr. Revill.
My unit--our primary responsibility is to investigate crimes of an organized nature, subversive activities, racial matters, labor racketeering, and to do anything that the chief might desire. We work for the chief of police. I report to a captain who is in charge of the special service bureau.
Mr. Rankin.
Who is that?
Mr. Revill.
Capt. Pat Gannaway.
Mr. Rankin.
How long have you reported to him?
Mr. Revill.
In my present capacity?
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Revill.
Since I have been assigned to the criminal intelligence section.
Mr. Rankin.
So that was for all times since and on November 22, 1963?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; this is true.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you know James P. Hosty, Jr.?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; I do.
Mr. Rankin.
How long have you known him?
Mr. Revill.
I have known Jim, Mr. Hosty, since 1959, when I took over the intelligence section.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you see him on November 22?
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